Relax Riesling 750ml
Relax Riesling is a delightful white wine from Germany. It offers intense flavors of apples and peaches with just a hint of citrus. The wine is slightly dry with a wonderful fruity bouquet, making it a refreshing choice for any occasion. It's delicious on...- $11.99
- $11.99
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Tattoo Girl Riesling 750ml
Tattoo Girl Riesling is a delightful white wine from Washington's Columbia Valley, crafted by Tattoo Girl Wines. This Riesling offers a crisp and refreshing taste, making it a perfect choice for various occasions. The wine is produced from grapes grown in the caliche fields...- $17.99
- $17.99
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J. Lohr Estates Bay Mist White Riesling 750ml
The vines for our J. Lohr Estates Bay Mist White Riesling are grown in well-drained Chualar loam soils underlain by stones deposited from the Arroyo Seco River. The Region I climate, in concert with the winds of the Salinas Valley, extend the average growing...- $13.99
- $13.99
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Schlink Haus Riesling 750ml
Schlink Haus, established in 1886, is one of the oldest wineries in the Nahe region of Germany. The winery is renowned for producing high-quality Rieslings that reflect the unique terroir of the area. Schlink Haus Riesling offers a harmonious balance between natural ripe sweetness...- $13.99
- $13.99
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