Ultimat Vodka 750ml

Subtotal: $59.99

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Ultimat Vodka 750ml

Ultimat Vodka 750ml


Ultimat Vodka 750ml

Ultimat Vodka in a 750ml bottle is a premium and ultra-smooth vodka that combines the best qualities of wheat, rye, and potato spirits. Produced in Poland, Ultimat is crafted with a meticulous approach, aiming to create a vodka that transcends traditional expectations and delivers a luxurious drinking experience.

The distinctive feature of Ultimat lies in its unique blend of three different spirits: wheat for smoothness, rye for complexity, and potato for richness. This triple-distilled and charcoal-filtered combination results in a vodka that is exceptionally smooth on the palate, with a subtle sweetness and a clean, crisp finish.

The sleek and elegant 750ml bottle of Ultimat Vodka reflects the brand's commitment to sophistication and quality. Whether enjoyed chilled and neat to savor its purity or used as a base for premium cocktails, Ultimat Vodka is designed for those who appreciate the finer nuances of a well-crafted and refined spirit.

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