Brutocao Quadriga 750ml is a captivating red wine blend that showcases the distinct characteristics of Italy's famed grape varieties. Crafted by Brutocao Cellars, located in the renowned Mendocino County of California, this wine pays homage to the Italian winemaking heritage of the Brutocao family. The Quadriga blend typically features a harmonious combination of Sangiovese, Primitivo, Dolcetto, and Barbera grapes, each contributing its unique flavors and textures to the final composition. With its rich crimson color and inviting aromas of ripe red berries, dried herbs, and a touch of spice, Quadriga entices the senses. On the palate, flavors of cherry, plum, and blackberry intermingle with hints of tobacco and earth, leading to a smooth and lingering finish. Whether enjoyed on its own or paired with hearty Italian dishes, Brutocao Quadriga 750ml offers a memorable wine experience that reflects the passion and craftsmanship of the Brutocao family.
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