Aviation Gin 750ml

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Aviation Gin 750ml

Aviation Gin 750ml


Aviation Gin 750ml


Aviation American Gin is made in the traditional dry style with anything but a traditional flavor profile. Aviation explores the rich, floral and savory notes of lavender, cardamom, and sarsaparilla to capture the lushness, spice, creativity, and freshness of the Pacific Northwest. This harmonious blend allows the craft spirit to shine on its own as well as when mixed in vintage drinks or contemporary culinary cocktails. PRODUCTION NOTES: Every bottle of Aviation Gin is handcrafted in small 100-case batches by a small, dedicated team of master distillers. As with most dry gins, Aviation shines brightest when properly mixed in classic and modern culinary cocktails. Aviation, in particular, works best in citrus accented drinks that play off its unique notes of lavender, cardamom, Indian sarsaparilla, and anise seed.

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