The Apothic Rosé 750ml is a refreshing, California-produced wine that offers a balance of lightness and bold flavors. This rosé combines vibrant fruit notes like strawberry, raspberry, and watermelon with subtle floral undertones, resulting in a crisp, refreshing finish that's perfect for warm weather or casual gatherings.
More about this bottle:
- Crisp and refreshing with a fruity flavor profile.
- Aromas of strawberry, watermelon, and a hint of rose petals.
- Light-bodied with a clean, smooth mouthfeel.
- Screw-cap closure for easy storage and serving.
- Perfect for pairing with light dishes, including cheeses and salads.
Tasting Notes:
Aroma: Bright notes of wild strawberry, watermelon, and hints of white peach.
Palate: A blend of juicy strawberry, raspberry, and cherry with a touch of floral.
Finish: A clean and refreshing finish, with lingering hints of watermelon and honey.