123 Organic Tequila Dos (Reposado) is part of the renowned 123 Organic Tequila lineup, created by David Ravandi, a passionate advocate for sustainable and organic tequila production. This tequila is meticulously crafted in the heart of Jalisco, Mexico, using traditional methods passed down through generations. What makes it unique is its organic certification and commitment to sustainability, ensuring that every bottle is both environmentally friendly and of the highest quality.
This Reposado is aged for six months in white oak barrels, which imparts subtle notes of vanilla and caramel while maintaining the fresh agave essence. The aging process adds a layer of complexity that makes this tequila a standout choice for connoisseurs and casual drinkers alike.
Experience the rich tradition and complex flavors of 123 Organic Tequila Dos. Add a bottle to your collection today and elevate your tequila experience!